diff --git a/src/op_mode/pki.py b/src/op_mode/pki.py
index 193d97744..1e78c3a03 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/pki.py
+++ b/src/op_mode/pki.py
@@ -1,1051 +1,1048 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import argparse
 import ipaddress
 import os
 import re
 import sys
 import tabulate
 from cryptography import x509
 from cryptography.x509.oid import ExtendedKeyUsageOID
 from vyos.config import Config
 from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
 from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
 from vyos.pki import encode_certificate, encode_public_key, encode_private_key, encode_dh_parameters
 from vyos.pki import create_certificate, create_certificate_request, create_certificate_revocation_list
 from vyos.pki import create_private_key
 from vyos.pki import create_dh_parameters
 from vyos.pki import load_certificate, load_certificate_request, load_private_key
 from vyos.pki import load_crl, load_dh_parameters, load_public_key
 from vyos.pki import verify_certificate
 from vyos.xml import defaults
 from vyos.util import ask_input, ask_yes_no
 from vyos.util import cmd
 from vyos.util import install_into_config
 auth_dir = '/config/auth'
 # Helper Functions
 conf = ConfigTreeQuery()
 def get_default_values():
     # Fetch default x509 values
     base = ['pki', 'x509', 'default']
     x509_defaults = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
     default_values = defaults(base)
     x509_defaults = dict_merge(default_values, x509_defaults)
     return x509_defaults
 def get_config_ca_certificate(name=None):
     # Fetch ca certificates from config
     base = ['pki', 'ca']
     if not conf.exists(base):
         return False
     if name:
         base = base + [name]
         if not conf.exists(base + ['private', 'key']) or not conf.exists(base + ['certificate']):
             return False
     return conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
 def get_config_certificate(name=None):
     # Get certificates from config
     base = ['pki', 'certificate']
     if not conf.exists(base):
         return False
     if name:
         base = base + [name]
         if not conf.exists(base + ['private', 'key']) or not conf.exists(base + ['certificate']):
             return False
     return conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
 def get_certificate_ca(cert, ca_certs):
     # Find CA certificate for given certificate
     for ca_name, ca_dict in ca_certs.items():
         if 'certificate' not in ca_dict:
         ca_cert = load_certificate(ca_dict['certificate'])
         if not ca_cert:
         if verify_certificate(cert, ca_cert):
             return ca_name
     return None
 def get_config_revoked_certificates():
     # Fetch revoked certificates from config
     ca_base = ['pki', 'ca']
     cert_base = ['pki', 'certificate']
     certs = []
     if conf.exists(ca_base):
         ca_certificates = conf.get_config_dict(ca_base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
     if conf.exists(cert_base):
         certificates = conf.get_config_dict(cert_base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
     return [cert_dict for cert_dict in certs if 'revoke' in cert_dict]
 def get_revoked_by_serial_numbers(serial_numbers=[]):
     # Return serial numbers of revoked certificates
     certs_out = []
     certs = get_config_certificate()
     ca_certs = get_config_ca_certificate()
     if certs:
         for cert_name, cert_dict in certs.items():
             if 'certificate' not in cert_dict:
             cert = load_certificate(cert_dict['certificate'])
             if cert.serial_number in serial_numbers:
     if ca_certs:
         for cert_name, cert_dict in ca_certs.items():
             if 'certificate' not in cert_dict:
             cert = load_certificate(cert_dict['certificate'])
             if cert.serial_number in serial_numbers:
     return certs_out
 def install_certificate(name, cert='', private_key=None, key_type=None, key_passphrase=None, is_ca=False):
     # Show/install conf commands for certificate
     prefix = 'ca' if is_ca else 'certificate'
     base = f"pki {prefix} {name}"
     config_paths = []
     if cert:
         cert_pem = "".join(encode_certificate(cert).strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
         config_paths.append(f"{base} certificate '{cert_pem}'")
     if private_key:
         key_pem = "".join(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=key_passphrase).strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
         config_paths.append(f"{base} private key '{key_pem}'")
         if key_passphrase:
             config_paths.append(f"{base} private password-protected")
     install_into_config(conf, config_paths)
 def install_crl(ca_name, crl):
     # Show/install conf commands for crl
     crl_pem = "".join(encode_certificate(crl).strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
     install_into_config(conf, [f"pki ca {ca_name} crl '{crl_pem}'"])
 def install_dh_parameters(name, params):
     # Show/install conf commands for dh params
     dh_pem = "".join(encode_dh_parameters(params).strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
     install_into_config(conf, [f"pki dh {name} parameters '{dh_pem}'"])
 def install_ssh_key(name, public_key, private_key, passphrase=None):
     # Show/install conf commands for ssh key
     key_openssh = encode_public_key(public_key, encoding='OpenSSH', key_format='OpenSSH')
     username = os.getlogin()
     type_key_split = key_openssh.split(" ")
     base = f"system login user {username} authentication public-keys {name}"
     install_into_config(conf, [
         f"{base} key '{type_key_split[1]}'",
         f"{base} type '{type_key_split[0]}'"
     print(encode_private_key(private_key, encoding='PEM', key_format='OpenSSH', passphrase=passphrase))
 def install_keypair(name, key_type, private_key=None, public_key=None, passphrase=None, prompt=True):
     # Show/install conf commands for key-pair
     config_paths = []
     if public_key:
         install_public_key = not prompt or ask_yes_no('Do you want to install the public key?', default=True)
         public_key_pem = encode_public_key(public_key)
         if install_public_key:
             install_public_pem = "".join(public_key_pem.strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
             config_paths.append(f"pki key-pair {name} public key '{install_public_pem}'")
             print("Public key:")
     if private_key:
         install_private_key = not prompt or ask_yes_no('Do you want to install the private key?', default=True)
         private_key_pem = encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase)
         if install_private_key:
             install_private_pem = "".join(private_key_pem.strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
             config_paths.append(f"pki key-pair {name} private key '{install_private_pem}'")
             if passphrase:
                 config_paths.append(f"pki key-pair {name} private password-protected")
             print("Private key:")
     install_into_config(conf, config_paths)
 def install_openvpn_key(name, key_data, key_version='1'):
     config_paths = [
         f"pki openvpn shared-secret {name} key '{key_data}'",
         f"pki openvpn shared-secret {name} version '{key_version}'"
     install_into_config(conf, config_paths)
 def install_wireguard_key(interface, private_key, public_key):
     # Show conf commands for installing wireguard key pairs
     from vyos.ifconfig import Section
     if Section.section(interface) != 'wireguard':
         print(f'"{interface}" is not a WireGuard interface name!')
     # Check if we are running in a config session - if yes, we can directly write to the CLI
     install_into_config(conf, [f"interfaces wireguard {interface} private-key '{private_key}'"])
     print(f"Corresponding public-key to use on peer system is: '{public_key}'")
 def install_wireguard_psk(interface, peer, psk):
     from vyos.ifconfig import Section
     if Section.section(interface) != 'wireguard':
         print(f'"{interface}" is not a WireGuard interface name!')
     # Check if we are running in a config session - if yes, we can directly write to the CLI
     install_into_config(conf, [f"interfaces wireguard {interface} peer {peer} preshared-key '{psk}'"])
 def ask_passphrase():
     passphrase = None
     print("Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.")
     if ask_yes_no('Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase?'):
         passphrase = ask_input('Enter passphrase:')
     return passphrase
 def write_file(filename, contents):
     full_path = os.path.join(auth_dir, filename)
     directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
     if not os.path.exists(directory):
         print('Failed to write file: directory does not exist')
         return False
     if os.path.exists(full_path) and not ask_yes_no('Do you want to overwrite the existing file?'):
         return False
     with open(full_path, 'w') as f:
     print(f'File written to {full_path}')
 # Generation functions
 def generate_private_key():
     key_type = ask_input('Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec]', default='rsa', valid_responses=['rsa', 'dsa', 'ec'])
     size_valid = []
     size_default = 0
     if key_type in ['rsa', 'dsa']:
         size_default = 2048
         size_valid = [512, 1024, 2048, 4096]
     elif key_type == 'ec':
         size_default = 256
         size_valid = [224, 256, 384, 521]
     size = ask_input('Enter private key bits:', default=size_default, numeric_only=True, valid_responses=size_valid)
     return create_private_key(key_type, size), key_type
 def parse_san_string(san_string):
     if not san_string:
         return None
     output = []
     san_split = san_string.strip().split(",")
     for pair_str in san_split:
         tag, value = pair_str.strip().split(":", 1)
         if tag == 'ipv4':
         elif tag == 'ipv6':
         elif tag == 'dns':
     return output
 def generate_certificate_request(private_key=None, key_type=None, return_request=False, name=None, install=False, file=False, ask_san=True):
     if not private_key:
         private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
     default_values = get_default_values()
     subject = {}
     subject['country'] = ask_input('Enter country code:', default=default_values['country'])
     subject['state'] = ask_input('Enter state:', default=default_values['state'])
     subject['locality'] = ask_input('Enter locality:', default=default_values['locality'])
     subject['organization'] = ask_input('Enter organization name:', default=default_values['organization'])
     subject['common_name'] = ask_input('Enter common name:', default='vyos.io')
     subject_alt_names = None
     if ask_san and ask_yes_no('Do you want to configure Subject Alternative Names?'):
         print("Enter alternative names in a comma separate list, example: ipv4:,ipv6:fe80::1,dns:vyos.net")
         san_string = ask_input('Enter Subject Alternative Names:')
         subject_alt_names = parse_san_string(san_string)
     cert_req = create_certificate_request(subject, private_key, subject_alt_names)
     if return_request:
         return cert_req
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         print("Certificate request:")
         print(encode_certificate(cert_req) + "\n")
         install_certificate(name, private_key=private_key, key_type=key_type, key_passphrase=passphrase, is_ca=False)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.csr', encode_certificate(cert_req))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_certificate(cert_req, ca_cert, ca_private_key, is_ca=False, is_sub_ca=False):
     valid_days = ask_input('Enter how many days certificate will be valid:', default='365' if not is_ca else '1825', numeric_only=True)
     cert_type = None
     if not is_ca:
         cert_type = ask_input('Enter certificate type: (client, server)', default='server', valid_responses=['client', 'server'])
     return create_certificate(cert_req, ca_cert, ca_private_key, valid_days, cert_type, is_ca, is_sub_ca)
 def generate_ca_certificate(name, install=False, file=False):
     private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
     cert_req = generate_certificate_request(private_key, key_type, return_request=True, ask_san=False)
     cert = generate_certificate(cert_req, cert_req, private_key, is_ca=True)
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_certificate(name, cert, private_key, key_type, key_passphrase=passphrase, is_ca=True)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_certificate(cert))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_ca_certificate_sign(name, ca_name, install=False, file=False):
     ca_dict = get_config_ca_certificate(ca_name)
     if not ca_dict:
         print(f"CA certificate or private key for '{ca_name}' not found")
         return None
     ca_cert = load_certificate(ca_dict['certificate'])
     if not ca_cert:
         print("Failed to load signing CA certificate, aborting")
         return None
     ca_private = ca_dict['private']
     ca_private_passphrase = None
     if 'password_protected' in ca_private:
         ca_private_passphrase = ask_input('Enter signing CA private key passphrase:')
     ca_private_key = load_private_key(ca_private['key'], passphrase=ca_private_passphrase)
     if not ca_private_key:
         print("Failed to load signing CA private key, aborting")
         return None
     private_key = None
     key_type = None
     cert_req = None
     if not ask_yes_no('Do you already have a certificate request?'):
         private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
         cert_req = generate_certificate_request(private_key, key_type, return_request=True, ask_san=False)
         print("Paste certificate request and press enter:")
         lines = []
         curr_line = ''
         while True:
             curr_line = input().strip()
             if not curr_line or curr_line == CERT_REQ_END:
         if not lines:
             return None
         wrap = lines[0].find('-----') < 0 # Only base64 pasted, add the CSR tags for parsing
         cert_req = load_certificate_request("\n".join(lines), wrap)
     if not cert_req:
         print("Invalid certificate request")
         return None
     cert = generate_certificate(cert_req, ca_cert, ca_private_key, is_ca=True, is_sub_ca=True)
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_certificate(name, cert, private_key, key_type, key_passphrase=passphrase, is_ca=True)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_certificate(cert))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_certificate_sign(name, ca_name, install=False, file=False):
     ca_dict = get_config_ca_certificate(ca_name)
     if not ca_dict:
         print(f"CA certificate or private key for '{ca_name}' not found")
         return None
     ca_cert = load_certificate(ca_dict['certificate'])
     if not ca_cert:
         print("Failed to load CA certificate, aborting")
         return None
     ca_private = ca_dict['private']
     ca_private_passphrase = None
     if 'password_protected' in ca_private:
         ca_private_passphrase = ask_input('Enter CA private key passphrase:')
     ca_private_key = load_private_key(ca_private['key'], passphrase=ca_private_passphrase)
     if not ca_private_key:
         print("Failed to load CA private key, aborting")
         return None
     private_key = None
     key_type = None
     cert_req = None
     if not ask_yes_no('Do you already have a certificate request?'):
         private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
         cert_req = generate_certificate_request(private_key, key_type, return_request=True)
         print("Paste certificate request and press enter:")
         lines = []
         curr_line = ''
         while True:
             curr_line = input().strip()
             if not curr_line or curr_line == CERT_REQ_END:
         if not lines:
             return None
         wrap = lines[0].find('-----') < 0 # Only base64 pasted, add the CSR tags for parsing
         cert_req = load_certificate_request("\n".join(lines), wrap)
     if not cert_req:
         print("Invalid certificate request")
         return None
     cert = generate_certificate(cert_req, ca_cert, ca_private_key, is_ca=False)
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_certificate(name, cert, private_key, key_type, key_passphrase=passphrase, is_ca=False)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_certificate(cert))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_certificate_selfsign(name, install=False, file=False):
     private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
     cert_req = generate_certificate_request(private_key, key_type, return_request=True)
     cert = generate_certificate(cert_req, cert_req, private_key, is_ca=False)
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_certificate(name, cert, private_key=private_key, key_type=key_type, key_passphrase=passphrase, is_ca=False)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_certificate(cert))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_certificate_revocation_list(ca_name, install=False, file=False):
     ca_dict = get_config_ca_certificate(ca_name)
     if not ca_dict:
         print(f"CA certificate or private key for '{ca_name}' not found")
         return None
     ca_cert = load_certificate(ca_dict['certificate'])
     if not ca_cert:
         print("Failed to load CA certificate, aborting")
         return None
     ca_private = ca_dict['private']
     ca_private_passphrase = None
     if 'password_protected' in ca_private:
         ca_private_passphrase = ask_input('Enter CA private key passphrase:')
     ca_private_key = load_private_key(ca_private['key'], passphrase=ca_private_passphrase)
     if not ca_private_key:
         print("Failed to load CA private key, aborting")
         return None
     revoked_certs = get_config_revoked_certificates()
     to_revoke = []
     for cert_dict in revoked_certs:
         if 'certificate' not in cert_dict:
         cert_data = cert_dict['certificate']
             cert = load_certificate(cert_data)
             if cert.issuer == ca_cert.subject:
         except ValueError:
     if not to_revoke:
         print("No revoked certificates to add to the CRL")
         return None
     crl = create_certificate_revocation_list(ca_cert, ca_private_key, to_revoke)
     if not crl:
         print("Failed to create CRL")
         return None
     if not install and not file:
         return None
     if install:
         install_crl(ca_name, crl)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.crl', encode_certificate(crl))
 def generate_ssh_keypair(name, install=False, file=False):
     private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
     public_key = private_key.public_key()
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_public_key(public_key, encoding='OpenSSH', key_format='OpenSSH'))
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, encoding='PEM', key_format='OpenSSH', passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_ssh_key(name, public_key, private_key, passphrase)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_public_key(public_key, encoding='OpenSSH', key_format='OpenSSH'))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, encoding='PEM', key_format='OpenSSH', passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_dh_parameters(name, install=False, file=False):
     bits = ask_input('Enter DH parameters key size:', default=2048, numeric_only=True)
     print("Generating parameters...")
     dh_params = create_dh_parameters(bits)
     if not dh_params:
         print("Failed to create DH parameters")
         return None
     if not install and not file:
         print("DH Parameters:")
     if install:
         install_dh_parameters(name, dh_params)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_dh_parameters(dh_params))
 def generate_keypair(name, install=False, file=False):
     private_key, key_type = generate_private_key()
     public_key = private_key.public_key()
     passphrase = ask_passphrase()
     if not install and not file:
         print(encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
         return None
     if install:
         install_keypair(name, key_type, private_key, public_key, passphrase)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.pem', encode_public_key(public_key))
         write_file(f'{name}.key', encode_private_key(private_key, passphrase=passphrase))
 def generate_openvpn_key(name, install=False, file=False):
     result = cmd('openvpn --genkey secret /dev/stdout | grep -o "^[^#]*"')
     if not result:
         print("Failed to generate OpenVPN key")
         return None
     if not install and not file:
         return None
     if install:
         key_lines = result.split("\n")
         key_data = "".join(key_lines[1:-1]) # Remove wrapper tags and line endings
         key_version = '1'
         version_search = re.search(r'BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V(\d+)', result) # Future-proofing (hopefully)
         if version_search:
             key_version = version_search[1]
-        base = f"set pki openvpn shared-secret {name}"
-        print("Configure mode commands to install OpenVPN key:")
-        print(f"{base} key '{key_data}'")
-        print(f"{base} version '{key_version}'")
+        install_openvpn_key(name, key_data, key_version)
     if file:
         write_file(f'{name}.key', result)
 def generate_wireguard_key(interface=None, install=False):
     private_key = cmd('wg genkey')
     public_key = cmd('wg pubkey', input=private_key)
     if interface and install:
         install_wireguard_key(interface, private_key, public_key)
         print(f'Private key: {private_key}')
         print(f'Public key: {public_key}', end='\n\n')
 def generate_wireguard_psk(interface=None, peer=None, install=False):
     psk = cmd('wg genpsk')
     if interface and peer and install:
         install_wireguard_psk(interface, peer, psk)
         print(f'Pre-shared key: {psk}')
 # Import functions
 def import_ca_certificate(name, path=None, key_path=None):
     if path:
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             print(f'File not found: {path}')
         cert = None
         with open(path) as f:
             cert_data = f.read()
             cert = load_certificate(cert_data, wrap_tags=False)
         if not cert:
             print(f'Invalid certificate: {path}')
         install_certificate(name, cert, is_ca=True)
     if key_path:
         if not os.path.exists(key_path):
             print(f'File not found: {key_path}')
         key = None
         passphrase = ask_input('Enter private key passphrase: ') or None
         with open(key_path) as f:
             key_data = f.read()
             key = load_private_key(key_data, passphrase=passphrase, wrap_tags=False)
         if not key:
             print(f'Invalid private key or passphrase: {path}')
         install_certificate(name, private_key=key, is_ca=True)
 def import_certificate(name, path=None, key_path=None):
     if path:
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             print(f'File not found: {path}')
         cert = None
         with open(path) as f:
             cert_data = f.read()
             cert = load_certificate(cert_data, wrap_tags=False)
         if not cert:
             print(f'Invalid certificate: {path}')
         install_certificate(name, cert, is_ca=False)
     if key_path:
         if not os.path.exists(key_path):
             print(f'File not found: {key_path}')
         key = None
         passphrase = ask_input('Enter private key passphrase: ') or None
         with open(key_path) as f:
             key_data = f.read()
             key = load_private_key(key_data, passphrase=passphrase, wrap_tags=False)
         if not key:
             print(f'Invalid private key or passphrase: {path}')
         install_certificate(name, private_key=key, is_ca=False)
 def import_crl(name, path):
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         print(f'File not found: {path}')
     crl = None
     with open(path) as f:
         crl_data = f.read()
         crl = load_crl(crl_data, wrap_tags=False)
     if not crl:
         print(f'Invalid certificate: {path}')
     install_crl(name, crl)
 def import_dh_parameters(name, path):
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         print(f'File not found: {path}')
     dh = None
     with open(path) as f:
         dh_data = f.read()
         dh = load_dh_parameters(dh_data, wrap_tags=False)
     if not dh:
         print(f'Invalid DH parameters: {path}')
     install_dh_parameters(name, dh)
 def import_keypair(name, path=None, key_path=None):
     if path:
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             print(f'File not found: {path}')
         key = None
         with open(path) as f:
             key_data = f.read()
             key = load_public_key(key_data, wrap_tags=False)
         if not key:
             print(f'Invalid public key: {path}')
         install_keypair(name, None, public_key=key, prompt=False)
     if key_path:
         if not os.path.exists(key_path):
             print(f'File not found: {key_path}')
         key = None
         passphrase = ask_input('Enter private key passphrase: ') or None
         with open(key_path) as f:
             key_data = f.read()
             key = load_private_key(key_data, passphrase=passphrase, wrap_tags=False)
         if not key:
             print(f'Invalid private key or passphrase: {path}')
         install_keypair(name, None, private_key=key, prompt=False)
 def import_openvpn_secret(name, path):
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         print(f'File not found: {path}')
     key_data = None
     key_version = '1'
     with open(path) as f:
         key_lines = f.read().split("\n")
         key_data = "".join(key_lines[1:-1]) # Remove wrapper tags and line endings
     version_search = re.search(r'BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V(\d+)', key_lines[0]) # Future-proofing (hopefully)
     if version_search:
         key_version = version_search[1]
     install_openvpn_key(name, key_data, key_version)
 # Show functions
 def show_certificate_authority(name=None):
     headers = ['Name', 'Subject', 'Issuer CN', 'Issued', 'Expiry', 'Private Key', 'Parent']
     data = []
     certs = get_config_ca_certificate()
     if certs:
         for cert_name, cert_dict in certs.items():
             if name and name != cert_name:
             if 'certificate' not in cert_dict:
             cert = load_certificate(cert_dict['certificate'])
             parent_ca_name = get_certificate_ca(cert, certs)
             cert_issuer_cn = cert.issuer.rfc4514_string().split(",")[0]
             if not parent_ca_name or parent_ca_name == cert_name:
                 parent_ca_name = 'N/A'
             if not cert:
             have_private = 'Yes' if 'private' in cert_dict and 'key' in cert_dict['private'] else 'No'
             data.append([cert_name, cert.subject.rfc4514_string(), cert_issuer_cn, cert.not_valid_before, cert.not_valid_after, have_private, parent_ca_name])
     print("Certificate Authorities:")
     print(tabulate.tabulate(data, headers))
 def show_certificate(name=None):
     headers = ['Name', 'Type', 'Subject CN', 'Issuer CN', 'Issued', 'Expiry', 'Revoked', 'Private Key', 'CA Present']
     data = []
     certs = get_config_certificate()
     if certs:
         ca_certs = get_config_ca_certificate()
         for cert_name, cert_dict in certs.items():
             if name and name != cert_name:
             if 'certificate' not in cert_dict:
             cert = load_certificate(cert_dict['certificate'])
             if not cert:
             ca_name = get_certificate_ca(cert, ca_certs)
             cert_subject_cn = cert.subject.rfc4514_string().split(",")[0]
             cert_issuer_cn = cert.issuer.rfc4514_string().split(",")[0]
             cert_type = 'Unknown'
             ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage)
             if ext and ExtendedKeyUsageOID.SERVER_AUTH in ext.value:
                 cert_type = 'Server'
             elif ext and ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CLIENT_AUTH in ext.value:
                 cert_type = 'Client'
             revoked = 'Yes' if 'revoke' in cert_dict else 'No'
             have_private = 'Yes' if 'private' in cert_dict and 'key' in cert_dict['private'] else 'No'
             have_ca = f'Yes ({ca_name})' if ca_name else 'No'
                 cert_name, cert_type, cert_subject_cn, cert_issuer_cn,
                 cert.not_valid_before, cert.not_valid_after,
                 revoked, have_private, have_ca])
     print(tabulate.tabulate(data, headers))
 def show_crl(name=None):
     headers = ['CA Name', 'Updated', 'Revokes']
     data = []
     certs = get_config_ca_certificate()
     if certs:
         for cert_name, cert_dict in certs.items():
             if name and name != cert_name:
             if 'crl' not in cert_dict:
             crls = cert_dict['crl']
             if isinstance(crls, str):
                 crls = [crls]
             for crl_data in cert_dict['crl']:
                 crl = load_crl(crl_data)
                 if not crl:
                 certs = get_revoked_by_serial_numbers([revoked.serial_number for revoked in crl])
                 data.append([cert_name, crl.last_update, ", ".join(certs)])
     print("Certificate Revocation Lists:")
     print(tabulate.tabulate(data, headers))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument('--action', help='PKI action', required=True)
     # X509
     parser.add_argument('--ca', help='Certificate Authority', required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--certificate', help='Certificate', required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--crl', help='Certificate Revocation List', required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--sign', help='Sign certificate with specified CA', required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--self-sign', help='Self-sign the certificate', action='store_true')
     # SSH
     parser.add_argument('--ssh', help='SSH Key', required=False)
     # DH
     parser.add_argument('--dh', help='DH Parameters', required=False)
     # Key pair
     parser.add_argument('--keypair', help='Key pair', required=False)
     # OpenVPN
     parser.add_argument('--openvpn', help='OpenVPN TLS key', required=False)
     # WireGuard
     parser.add_argument('--wireguard', help='Wireguard', action='store_true')
     group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
     group.add_argument('--key', help='Wireguard key pair', action='store_true', required=False)
     group.add_argument('--psk', help='Wireguard pre shared key', action='store_true', required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--interface', help='Install generated keys into running-config for named interface', action='store')
     parser.add_argument('--peer', help='Install generated keys into running-config for peer', action='store')
     # Global
     parser.add_argument('--file', help='Write generated keys into specified filename', action='store_true')
     parser.add_argument('--install', help='Install generated keys into running-config', action='store_true')
     parser.add_argument('--filename', help='Write certificate into specified filename', action='store')
     parser.add_argument('--key-filename', help='Write key into specified filename', action='store')
     args = parser.parse_args()
         if args.action == 'generate':
             if args.ca:
                 if args.sign:
                     generate_ca_certificate_sign(args.ca, args.sign, install=args.install, file=args.file)
                     generate_ca_certificate(args.ca, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.certificate:
                 if args.sign:
                     generate_certificate_sign(args.certificate, args.sign, install=args.install, file=args.file)
                 elif args.self_sign:
                     generate_certificate_selfsign(args.certificate, install=args.install, file=args.file)
                     generate_certificate_request(name=args.certificate, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.crl:
                 generate_certificate_revocation_list(args.crl, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.ssh:
                 generate_ssh_keypair(args.ssh, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.dh:
                 generate_dh_parameters(args.dh, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.keypair:
                 generate_keypair(args.keypair, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.openvpn:
                 generate_openvpn_key(args.openvpn, install=args.install, file=args.file)
             elif args.wireguard:
                 # WireGuard supports writing key directly into the CLI, but this
                 # requires the vyos_libexec_dir environment variable to be set
                 os.environ["vyos_libexec_dir"] = "/usr/libexec/vyos"
                 if args.key:
                     generate_wireguard_key(args.interface, install=args.install)
                 if args.psk:
                     generate_wireguard_psk(args.interface, peer=args.peer, install=args.install)
         elif args.action == 'import':
             if args.ca:
                 import_ca_certificate(args.ca, path=args.filename, key_path=args.key_filename)
             elif args.certificate:
                 import_certificate(args.certificate, path=args.filename, key_path=args.key_filename)
             elif args.crl:
                 import_crl(args.crl, args.filename)
             elif args.dh:
                 import_dh_parameters(args.dh, args.filename)
             elif args.keypair:
                 import_keypair(args.keypair, path=args.filename, key_path=args.key_filename)
             elif args.openvpn:
                 import_openvpn_secret(args.openvpn, args.filename)
         elif args.action == 'show':
             if args.ca:
                 ca_name = None if args.ca == 'all' else args.ca
                 if ca_name:
                     if not conf.exists(['pki', 'ca', ca_name]):
                         print(f'CA "{ca_name}" does not exist!')
             elif args.certificate:
                 cert_name = None if args.certificate == 'all' else args.certificate
                 if cert_name:
                     if not conf.exists(['pki', 'certificate', cert_name]):
                         print(f'Certificate "{cert_name}" does not exist!')
                 show_certificate(None if args.certificate == 'all' else args.certificate)
             elif args.crl:
                 show_crl(None if args.crl == 'all' else args.crl)
     except KeyboardInterrupt: