diff --git a/python/vyos/nat.py b/python/vyos/nat.py
index 9cbc2b96e..cc3c8103d 100644
--- a/python/vyos/nat.py
+++ b/python/vyos/nat.py
@@ -1,284 +1,284 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from vyos.template import is_ip_network
 from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_args
 from vyos.template import bracketize_ipv6
 def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
     output = []
     ip_prefix = 'ip6' if ipv6 else 'ip'
     log_prefix = ('DST' if nat_type == 'destination' else 'SRC') + f'-NAT-{rule_id}'
     log_suffix = ''
     if ipv6:
         log_prefix = log_prefix.replace("NAT-", "NAT66-")
     ignore_type_addr = False
     translation_str = ''
     if 'inbound_interface' in rule_conf:
         ifname = rule_conf['inbound_interface']
         if ifname != 'any':
             output.append(f'iifname "{ifname}"')
     if 'outbound_interface' in rule_conf:
         ifname = rule_conf['outbound_interface']
         if ifname != 'any':
             output.append(f'oifname "{ifname}"')
     if 'protocol' in rule_conf and rule_conf['protocol'] != 'all':
         protocol = rule_conf['protocol']
         if protocol == 'tcp_udp':
             protocol = '{ tcp, udp }'
         output.append(f'meta l4proto {protocol}')
     if 'packet_type' in rule_conf:
         output.append(f'pkttype ' + rule_conf['packet_type'])
     if 'exclude' in rule_conf:
         translation_str = 'return'
         log_suffix = '-EXCL'
     elif 'translation' in rule_conf:
         addr = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'address')
         port = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'port')
         if 'redirect' in rule_conf['translation']:
             translation_output = [f'redirect']
             redirect_port = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'redirect', 'port')
             if redirect_port:
                 translation_output.append(f'to {redirect_port}')
             translation_prefix = nat_type[:1]
             translation_output = [f'{translation_prefix}nat']
             if addr and is_ip_network(addr):
                 if not ipv6:
                     map_addr =  dict_search_args(rule_conf, nat_type, 'address')
                     translation_output.append(f'{ip_prefix} prefix to {ip_prefix} {translation_prefix}addr map {{ {map_addr} : {addr} }}')
                     ignore_type_addr = True
                     translation_output.append(f'prefix to {addr}')
             elif addr == 'masquerade':
                 if port:
                     addr = f'{addr} to '
                 translation_output = [addr]
                 log_suffix = '-MASQ'
                 if addr:
                     addr = bracketize_ipv6(addr)
         options = []
         addr_mapping = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'options', 'address_mapping')
         port_mapping = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'options', 'port_mapping')
         if addr_mapping == 'persistent':
         if port_mapping and port_mapping != 'none':
         translation_str = " ".join(translation_output) + (f':{port}' if port else '')
         if options:
             translation_str += f' {",".join(options)}'
         if not ipv6 and 'backend' in rule_conf['load_balance']:
             hash_input_items = []
             current_prob = 0
             nat_map = []
             for trans_addr, addr in rule_conf['load_balance']['backend'].items():
                 item_prob = int(addr['weight'])
                 upper_limit = current_prob + item_prob - 1
                 hash_val = str(current_prob) + '-' + str(upper_limit)
                 element = hash_val + " : " + trans_addr
                 current_prob = current_prob + item_prob
             elements = ' , '.join(nat_map)
             if 'hash' in rule_conf['load_balance'] and 'random' in rule_conf['load_balance']['hash']:
                 translation_str += ' numgen random mod 100 map ' + '{ ' + f'{elements}' + ' }'
                 for input_param in rule_conf['load_balance']['hash']:
                     if input_param == 'source-address':
                         param = 'ip saddr'
                     elif input_param == 'destination-address':
                         param = 'ip daddr'
                     elif input_param == 'source-port':
                         prot = rule_conf['protocol']
                         param = f'{prot} sport'
                     elif input_param == 'destination-port':
                         prot = rule_conf['protocol']
                         param = f'{prot} dport'
                 hash_input = ' . '.join(hash_input_items)
                 translation_str += f' jhash ' + f'{hash_input}' + ' mod 100 map ' + '{ ' + f'{elements}' + ' }'
     for target in ['source', 'destination']:
         if target not in rule_conf:
         side_conf = rule_conf[target]
         prefix = target[:1]
         addr = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'address')
         if addr and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
             operator = ''
             if addr[:1] == '!':
                 operator = '!='
                 addr = addr[1:]
             output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} {addr}')
         addr_prefix = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'prefix')
         if addr_prefix and ipv6:
             operator = ''
             if addr_prefix[:1] == '!':
                 operator = '!='
-                addr_prefix = addr[1:]
+                addr_prefix = addr_prefix[1:]
             output.append(f'ip6 {prefix}addr {operator} {addr_prefix}')
         port = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'port')
         if port:
             protocol = rule_conf['protocol']
             if protocol == 'tcp_udp':
                 protocol = 'th'
             operator = ''
             if port[:1] == '!':
                 operator = '!='
                 port = port[1:]
             output.append(f'{protocol} {prefix}port {operator} {{ {port} }}')
         if 'group' in side_conf:
             group = side_conf['group']
             if 'address_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
                 group_name = group['address_group']
                 operator = ''
                 if group_name[0] == '!':
                     operator = '!='
                     group_name = group_name[1:]
                 output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @A_{group_name}')
             # Generate firewall group domain-group
             elif 'domain_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
                 group_name = group['domain_group']
                 operator = ''
                 if group_name[0] == '!':
                     operator = '!='
                     group_name = group_name[1:]
                 output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @D_{group_name}')
             elif 'network_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
                 group_name = group['network_group']
                 operator = ''
                 if group_name[0] == '!':
                     operator = '!='
                     group_name = group_name[1:]
                 output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @N_{group_name}')
             if 'mac_group' in group:
                 group_name = group['mac_group']
                 operator = ''
                 if group_name[0] == '!':
                     operator = '!='
                     group_name = group_name[1:]
                 output.append(f'ether {prefix}addr {operator} @M_{group_name}')
             if 'port_group' in group:
                 proto = rule_conf['protocol']
                 group_name = group['port_group']
                 if proto == 'tcp_udp':
                     proto = 'th'
                 operator = ''
                 if group_name[0] == '!':
                     operator = '!='
                     group_name = group_name[1:]
                 output.append(f'{proto} {prefix}port {operator} @P_{group_name}')
     if 'log' in rule_conf:
         output.append(f'log prefix "[{log_prefix}{log_suffix}]"')
     if translation_str:
     output.append(f'comment "{log_prefix}"')
     return " ".join(output)
 def parse_nat_static_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type):
     output = []
     log_prefix = ('STATIC-DST' if nat_type == 'destination' else 'STATIC-SRC') + f'-NAT-{rule_id}'
     log_suffix = ''
     ignore_type_addr = False
     translation_str = ''
     if 'inbound_interface' in rule_conf:
         ifname = rule_conf['inbound_interface']
         ifprefix = 'i' if nat_type == 'destination' else 'o'
         if ifname != 'any':
             output.append(f'{ifprefix}ifname "{ifname}"')
     if 'exclude' in rule_conf:
         translation_str = 'return'
         log_suffix = '-EXCL'
     elif 'translation' in rule_conf:
         translation_prefix = nat_type[:1]
         translation_output = [f'{translation_prefix}nat']
         addr = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'address')
         map_addr =  dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'destination', 'address')
         if nat_type == 'source':
             addr, map_addr = map_addr, addr # Swap
         if addr and is_ip_network(addr):
             translation_output.append(f'ip prefix to ip {translation_prefix}addr map {{ {map_addr} : {addr} }}')
             ignore_type_addr = True
         elif addr:
             translation_output.append(f'to {addr}')
         options = []
         addr_mapping = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'options', 'address_mapping')
         port_mapping = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation', 'options', 'port_mapping')
         if addr_mapping == 'persistent':
         if port_mapping and port_mapping != 'none':
         if options:
         translation_str = " ".join(translation_output)
     prefix = nat_type[:1]
     addr = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'translation' if nat_type == 'source' else nat_type, 'address')
     if addr and not ignore_type_addr:
         output.append(f'ip {prefix}addr {addr}')
     if translation_str:
     if 'log' in rule_conf:
         output.append(f'log prefix "[{log_prefix}{log_suffix}]"')
     output.append(f'comment "{log_prefix}"')
     return " ".join(output)