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- User Since
- Dec 6 2016, 6:03 AM (431 w, 4 d)
Feb 27 2019
Needs more testing. I might have been testing the wrong thing. :(
Oct 27 2018
Verified on VyOS 1.2.0-rc4 as working correctly.
Oct 24 2018
Jan 10 2017
Jan 8 2017
In the example above, I vote that the first example where name Foo and rule 10 are on the same line. It is much easier to read, and shortens up the output on the display. Sometimes with long configurations, it is easier when you can see more information on the same screen without scrolling.
Jan 5 2017
I was thinking that the variable would actually be "vlan-id 99". That was written simply to make it easier to read. But if it will be the top of a node, then we end up with vif, vlan-id. Which is redundant, redundant. In that case I would drop the "vlan-id" portion all together. It is only there for esthetics.
Maybe something like this? We already know that it is an ethernet interface by the fact that it is eth0. And by adding the "vlan-id" portion we get a newer style of configuration but keep the read-ability of the configuration stanza.