### Autogenerated by interfaces-openvpn.py ### # # See https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Openvpn24ManPage # for individual keyword definition # # # verb 3 user openvpn group openvpn dev-type tun dev vtun0 persist-key iproute /usr/libexec/vyos/system/unpriv-ip proto udp multihome # # OpenVPN Server mode # mode server tls-server topology net30 server nopool ifconfig-pool server-ipv6 fda8:c8dd:ab6a:570e::/64 keepalive 10 600 management /run/openvpn/openvpn-mgmt-intf unix push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS6 fda8:c8dd:ab6a:570e::1" push "dhcp-option DOMAIN example.com" # TLS options ca /config/auth/ca.crt cert /config/auth/vpn.crt key /config/auth/vpn.key dh /config/auth/dh.pem # Encryption options cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 # DEPRECATED This option will be removed in OpenVPN 2.5 # Until OpenVPN v2.3 the format of the X.509 Subject fields was formatted like this: # /C=US/L=Somewhere/CN=John Doe/emailAddress=john@example.com In addition the old # behaviour was to remap any character other than alphanumeric, underscore ('_'), # dash ('-'), dot ('.'), and slash ('/') to underscore ('_'). The X.509 Subject # string as returned by the tls_id environmental variable, could additionally # contain colon (':') or equal ('='). When using the --compat-names option, this # old formatting and remapping will be re-enabled again. This is purely implemented # for compatibility reasons when using older plug-ins or scripts which does not # handle the new formatting or UTF-8 characters. # # See https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1512 compat-names