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IPv6 Prefix Delegation does not work for PPP/L2TP with RADIUS attribute Accel-VRF-Name
Open, NormalPublicBUG


IPv6 Prefix Delegation does not work for PPP/L2TP with RADIUS attribute Accel-VRF-Name


user2@local-host.local Cleartext-Password := "user2"
    Service-Type = Framed-User,
    Framed-IP-Address = "",
    Framed-IPv6-Prefix = "2001:db8:0:2c::/64",
    Delegated-IPv6-Prefix = 2001:db8:0:ff2c::/64,
    Accel-VRF-Name = "CGNAT-VRF",
    Framed-Protocol = PPP

Without VRF the latest entry exists if check with sudo ip monitor route:

local dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel scope host src dev l2tp0 proto kernel scope link src 
fe80::/64 dev l2tp0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
local fe80::100:0:0:0 dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
anycast fe80:: dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
2001:db8:0:2c::/64 dev l2tp0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
local 2001:db8:0:2c:100:: dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
anycast 2001:db8:0:2c:: dev l2tp0 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium

2001:db8:0:ff2c::/64 via fe80::fdc1:47ff:fec7:1e9 dev l2tp0 metric 1024 pref medium

With VRF we do not see the PrefixDelegation route.

local dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel scope host src dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel scope link src 
fe80::/64 dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
local fe80::100:0:0:0 dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
anycast fe80:: dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
2001:db8:0:2c::/64 dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
local 2001:db8:0:2c:100:: dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
anycast 2001:db8:0:2c:: dev l2tp0 table CGNAT-VRF proto kernel metric 0 pref medium

VyOS config seems does not metter if it PPPoE server or L2TP LAC:

set container name radius allow-host-networks
set container name radius image 'dchidell/radius-web'
set container name radius volume accel destination '/usr/share/freeradius/dictionary.accel'
set container name radius volume accel source '/usr/share/accel-ppp/radius/dictionary.accel'
set container name radius volume clients destination '/etc/raddb/clients.conf'
set container name radius volume clients source '/config/containers/radius/clients'
set container name radius volume users destination '/etc/raddb/users'
set container name radius volume users source '/config/containers/radius/users'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication mode 'radius'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication protocols 'chap'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication protocols 'pap'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication radius accounting-interim-interval '3500'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication radius acct-timeout '0'
set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication radius server key 'vyos-secret'
set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool default-range-pool range ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool default-range-pool range ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access default-pool 'default-range-pool'
set vpn l2tp remote-access gateway-address ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access lns host-name 'megahost'
set vpn l2tp remote-access lns shared-secret 'SssEcrEttT'
set vpn l2tp remote-access mtu '1500'
set vpn l2tp remote-access name-server ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access name-server ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address ''
set vpn l2tp remote-access ppp-options disable-ccp
set vpn l2tp remote-access ppp-options ipv6 'allow'
set vrf name CGNAT-VRF table '100'

Routing tables
user1 without VRF
user2 with VRF

vyos@ppp-serv:~$ show l2tp-server sessions 
 ifname |        username        |     ip      |           ip6          |        ip6-dp        | calling-sid | rate-limit | state  |  uptime  | rx-bytes | tx-bytes 
 l2tp0  | user2@local-host.local | | 2001:db8:0:2c:200::/64 | 2001:db8:0:ff2c::/64 |   |            | active | 00:16:25 | 2.4 KiB  | 1.2 KiB  
 l2tp2  | user1@local-host.local | | 2001:db8:0:2b:200::/64 | 2001:db8:0:ff2b::/64 |   |            | active | 00:15:44 | 894 B    | 1.4 KiB
vyos@ppp-serv:~$ show ipv6 route vrf all
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIPng,
       O - OSPFv3, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, N - NHRP, T - Table,
       v - VNC, V - VNC-Direct, A - Babel, F - PBR,
       f - OpenFabric,
       > - selected route, * - FIB route, q - queued, r - rejected, b - backup
       t - trapped, o - offload failure

C>* 2001:db8:0:2c::/64 is directly connected, l2tp0, 00:17:23
C>* fe80::/64 is directly connected, l2tp0, 00:17:23

VRF default:
C>* 2001:db8:0:2b::/64 is directly connected, l2tp2, 00:16:42
K>* 2001:db8:0:ff2b::/64 [0/1024] via fe80::fc9f:31ff:fe84:1bb0, l2tp2, 00:16:08
C * fe80::/64 is directly connected, l2tp2, 00:16:42
C * fe80::/64 is directly connected, eth1, 01:35:45
C * fe80::/64 is directly connected, eth0, 01:35:47
C>* fe80::/64 is directly connected, lo, 01:35:49

The bug is in the upstream
Or this feature was not implemented, when VRF was implemented


VyOS 1.4.1
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)
Story points