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haproxy op-mode not reporting correct usage stats
Open, NormalPublicBUG


As reported in forum, haproxy connection stats are not populating with live figures in op-mode.


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)
Forum thread

Event Timeline

Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 22 2025, 7:39 PM

Cannot reproduce it. It is necessary to get a configuration:
I tested this config and all works fine
VyOS 1.5-rolling-202502220006 + latest vyos-1x

set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv01 address ''
set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv01 check
set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv01 port '8000'
set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv02 address ''
set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv02 check
set load-balancing haproxy backend bk01 server srv02 port '8888'
set load-balancing haproxy service web backend 'bk01'
set load-balancing haproxy service web port '80'


vyos@r14# run show haproxy 
Proxy name    Role      Status    Req rate    Resp time    Last change
------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  -------------
web           FRONTEND  OPEN      5
bk01          BACKEND   UP                    1 ms         1m52s
bk01          srv01     UP                    1 ms         1m52s
bk01          srv02     UP                    1 ms         13s

The script for checking:

$ cat /tmp/ 
#!/usr/bin/env bash

while true; do
    curl -s > /dev/null
    sleep 0.2