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Display the non-production banner depending on the build type
Open, NormalPublic


Right now, we display a warning about image stability in rolling release images unconditionally, because the current branch is never an LTS release. However, adding that bit to stream branches and reverting them when they reach LTS status doesn't sound like a sensible idea.

Since there's build_type in version.json, we could display that banner if the build type is not release. That will make it easy to mark an image as production-ready or not by using a different --build-type.


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Internal change (not visible to end users)
Story points

Event Timeline

dmbaturin triaged this task as Normal priority.

Just to add to the argument: Using the build_type to determine if the banner gets shown or not would allow individual/custom builds to have it disabled as well (we know what we are doing). Obviously I can just speak for my use case, where we roll our own builds to get back qemu-guest-agent. I can't tell if this would go against the intention of introducing this banner in the first place.