Add support for DHCP option 43 vendor-option classes. Specifically Cisco WLC AP provisioning via Option 43, albeit wider support for option 43 in general.
Use case
An existing feature in v1.5 exists which mimics DHCP option 43, but is named 'option vendor-option ubiquiti unifi-controller <ip>'. In testing with this option, whilst a request is made for option 43 by a client -
The DHCP offer doesn't include an option 43 response as expected.
The inclusion of DHCP option 43 would allow for vendor devices to be better auto-provisioned and negate the need for manual intervention.
Using the suggested Ubuquiti vendor-option does create the necessary files in /opt/vyatta/config/active/service/dhcp-server/shared-network-name/<SHARED_NETWORK_NAME>/option/vendor-option/ubiquiti/unifi-controller, but this node.val file value is not returned when a Cisco WLC AP is brought online with DHCP.