PPPoE-server does not allow listening to interfaces without tags if tags are present in the configuration.
For example, we want to get PPPoE-server on eth1 (without tags) and on additional VLANS 10-122
I.e., the listen interface should be:
eth1 / eth1.10 / eth1.11 / eth1.xxx / ... / eth1.122
But it is impossible with the current CLI (eth1 without tag)
set service pppoe-server access-concentrator 'ACN' set service pppoe-server authentication mode 'radius' set service pppoe-server authentication radius server key 'xxx' set service pppoe-server client-ip-pool FIRST range '' set service pppoe-server gateway-address '' set service pppoe-server interface eth1 vlan '10-122' set service pppoe-server interface eth1 vlan-mon
Generated configuration:
vyos@r14# cat /run/accel-pppd/pppoe.conf | grep '\[pppoe\]' -A 5 [pppoe] ... interface=re:^eth1\.(1\d|[2-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-2])$ vlan-mon=eth1,10-122
To fix it, I have to add manually to the pppoe.conf the option interface=eth1
vyos@r14# cat /run/accel-pppd/pppoe.conf | grep '\[pppoe\]' -A 5 [pppoe] ... interface=re:^eth1\.(1\d|[2-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-2])$ vlan-mon=eth1,10-122 # my manual change here interface=eth1
One of the possible solutions is adding a CLI option like allow-native-name (Needs to think about option)
set service pppoe-server interface eth1 < allow-native-name >