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IPoE-server add the ability to start a session with unclassified packet
In progress, NormalPublicFEATURE REQUEST


IPoE-server add the ability to start a session with an unclassified packet.
Currently, the session can be started only by DHCP packet start=dhcpv4

Needs to add start=up option
For sessions, start with the unclassified packet (start=up); the username is the client's IP address.


    By default is not defined. Important to set this.
    Parameter specifies which way session starts:

        dhcpv4 - start on DHCP Discover.
        up - unclassified packet.
        auto - means automatically start session with username=interface name. Use it with conjunction vlan_mon.

Proposed CLI:

set service ipoe-server interface eth1 start-session <dhcpv4|unclassified-packet>


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Feature (new functionality)

Event Timeline

Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.
Viacheslav changed the task status from Open to In progress.Fri, Nov 22, 11:32 AM
Viacheslav claimed this task.


set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'radius'
set service ipoe-server authentication radius server key 'vyos-secret'
set service ipoe-server client-ip-pool POOL range ''
set service ipoe-server gateway-address ''
set service ipoe-server interface eth1 mode 'l2'
set service ipoe-server interface eth1 network 'shared'
set service ipoe-server interface eth1 start-session 'unclassified-packet'
set service ipoe-server name-server ''
set service ipoe-server name-server ''

Check config:

vyos@r14:~$ cat /run/accel-pppd/ipoe.conf | grep interface