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Container warning about failed input/output
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


Sometime over the last 1=month, something changed to cause one of my containers to fill the system log up with messages similar to the following:

Oct 22 15:09:02 conmon[10882]: conmon 1302c00c55b89b216c07 <nwarn>: stdio_input read failed Input/output error

I can make the error go away by removing the --tty option when then container is run

e.g. in the conf_mode/, apply this diff:

-    container_base_cmd = f'--detach --interactive --tty --replace {capabilities} --cpus {cpu_quota} {sysctl_opt} ' \
+    container_base_cmd = f'--detach --interactive --replace {capabilities} --cpus {cpu_quota} {sysctl_opt} ' \

But by removing the --tty option, it also removes the ability to connect interactively to a container, so probably not the best solution.

It only is affecting one of my containers

My previous build, that doesn't exhibit this problem has a build date of 202409162229


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

vyosbot added a project: Restricted Project.Wed, Oct 23, 6:08 AM
Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.Wed, Oct 23, 8:27 AM
dvogel claimed this task.

I just built from the current top-of-tree and installed onto my working system and I no longer am getting that log message filling up my system logs. I'm not sure if something indirectly fixed it or what - regardless it appears fixed now. Therefore, I'm moving the status to resolved.