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no-default-route not being honoured
Open, HighPublicBUG


I just created the following configuration:

vif 10 {
  address dhcp
  address dhcpv6
  description "WAN Interface to **** via VLAN 10"
  dhcp-options {
  dhcpv6-options {
      pd 0 {
          interface eth1 {
              address 1
              sla-id 0
          length 56

Expecting that when I commited this the current default route via my PPPoE interface wouldn't be affected.
However, my router still learnt a default route via DHCP:

tim@ferrari# run show ip route                                                            
S>* [210/0] is directly connected, pppoe0, weight 1, 00:00:36                  
  *                   via X.X.192.1, eth1.10, weight 1, 00:00:36                     
S>* [1/0] via, eth1, weight 1, 03w0d17h                          
B>* [20/0] via, wg1, weight 1, 03w0d17h

I have worked around this at the moment by doing default-route-distance 220 as well:

tim@ferrari# run show ip route 
S [220/0] via X.X.192.1, eth1.10, weight 1, 00:05:34
S>* [210/0] is directly connected, pppoe0, weight 1, 00:10:03

Possibly related to though I note if I manually request a DHCP lease refresh, it refreshes the default as well.


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

tjh triaged this task as Normal priority.Sat, Apr 20, 2:05 AM
tjh created this task.
tjh created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.
tjh updated the task description. (Show Details)
Viacheslav raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.Sat, Apr 20, 5:51 AM
Viacheslav changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug".

Just as another data-point - I have found that leaving the DHCP lease to auto-renew itself (not me doing it manually) that it doesn't then add it to the routing table.
i.e. at the moment my DHCP client is still connected, but there's no default via the DHCP session at the moment.