I think it would be useful to have the configured description as a column when looking at "show firewall" commands, particularly with the "show firewall statistics" command as it doesn't indicate any details of the rule. Output would be like this:
show firewall:
Rulesets Information --------------------------------- ipv4 Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions ------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Allow return traffic from inside network offload all 4121 259306 ct state { established, related } flow add @VYOS_FLOWTABLE_FLOW1 10 accept all 4121 259306 ct state { established, related } accept 15 Drop Invalid State drop all 0 0 ct state invalid 20 Bogons drop all 0 0 ip daddr @N_BOGONS oifname "eth0.4040" prefix "[ipv4-FWD-filter-20-D]" 25 Allow Ping accept icmp 0 0 meta l4proto icmp oifname "eth0.4040" prefix "[ipv4-FWD-filter-25-A]" accept 35 Allow iPerf accept tcp_udp 0 0 meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 5201 oifname "eth0.4040" accept 40 Allow access to GNS3 accept tcp 0 0 meta l4proto tcp ip daddr oifname "eth0.4040" accept 45 Traffic from Gaming PC accept all 0 0 ip saddr iifname "eth0.201" accept 50 Stealthwatch SMC accept tcp 0 0 ip daddr tcp dport 443 accept 55 Stealthwatch Flow Collector accept udp 1310 1096956 ip daddr udp dport 2055 accept 60 Allow all from Inside accept all 754 40144 iifname @I_Inbound_Interfaces accept 10001 jump to jump_test jump all 0 0 ip saddr jump NAME_jump_test default drop all 0 0 --------------------------------- ipv4 Firewall "name jump_test" Rule Description Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions ------- ------------- -------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ 10 jump test drop all 0 0 default drop all 0 0 --------------------------------- ipv6 Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions ------- ------------- -------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ 10 TEST accept all 0 0 accept default accept all 0 0 --------------------------------- bridge Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Action Protocol Packets Bytes Conditions ------- ------------- -------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ 10 accept all 0 0 accept default accept all 0 0
show firewall statistics:
Rulesets Statistics --------------------------------- ipv4 Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Packets Bytes Action Source Destination Inbound-Interface Outbound-interface ------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ------- -------- ------------- ------------- ------------------- -------------------- 5 Allow return traffic from inside network 3822 240492 offload any any any any 10 3822 240492 accept any any any any 15 Drop Invalid State 0 0 drop any any any any 20 Bogons 0 0 drop any BOGONS any eth0.4040 25 Allow Ping 0 0 accept any any any eth0.4040 35 Allow iPerf 0 0 accept any any any eth0.4040 40 Allow access to GNS3 0 0 accept any any eth0.4040 45 Traffic from Gaming PC 0 0 accept any eth0.201 any 50 Stealthwatch SMC 0 0 accept any any any 55 Stealthwatch Flow Collector 1212 1015732 accept any any any 60 Allow all from Inside 696 37056 accept any any Inbound_Interfaces any 10001 jump to jump_test 0 0 jump any any any default 0 0 drop any any any any --------------------------------- ipv4 Firewall "name jump_test" Rule Description Packets Bytes Action Source Destination Inbound-Interface Outbound-interface ------- ------------- --------- ------- -------- -------- ------------- ------------------- -------------------- 10 jump test 0 0 drop any any any any default 0 0 drop any any any any --------------------------------- ipv6 Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Packets Bytes Action Source Destination Inbound-Interface Outbound-interface ------- ------------- --------- ------- -------- -------- ------------- ------------------- -------------------- 10 TEST 0 0 accept any any any any default 0 0 accept any any any any --------------------------------- bridge Firewall "forward filter" Rule Description Packets Bytes Action Source Destination Inbound-Interface Outbound-interface ------- ------------- --------- ------- -------- -------- ------------- ------------------- -------------------- 10 0 0 accept any any any any default 0 0 accept any any any any