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integration speedtest cli
Closed, WontfixPublicFEATURE REQUEST


What do you think about integrating the speedtest service into VyOS? It looks good for simply checking bandwidth.

root@localhost:~# speedtest

   Speedtest by Ookla

      Server: Sarenet - Zamudio (id: 10512)
         ISP: SAREnet
Idle Latency:     9.10 ms   (jitter: 0.32ms, low: 8.49ms, high: 9.59ms)
    Download:   357.93 Mbps (data used: 504.9 MB)
                  9.42 ms   (jitter: 0.86ms, low: 8.36ms, high: 17.48ms)
      Upload:   827.52 Mbps (data used: 857.4 MB)
                 11.70 ms   (jitter: 5.63ms, low: 9.26ms, high: 235.10ms)
 Packet Loss:     0.0%
  Result URL:


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Unspecified (please specify)

Event Timeline

Viacheslav triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Mar 15 2024, 1:54 PM
Viacheslav subscribed.

I don't think it is expected to get speed to the node itself.
A router is generally used for forwarding traffic. It is better to use iperf to check the speed between 2 hosts.

I agree, this tool is not suitable for diagnosing connections between hosts. But it can be used in general as a check of the Internet service provider.

Viacheslav claimed this task.
root@r1-right:/home/vyos# ./speedtest 

You may only use this Speedtest software and information generated
from it for personal, non-commercial use, through a command line
interface on a personal computer. Your use of this software is subject
to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at
these URLs:


Do you accept the license? [type YES to accept]:

I close the task as wonftfix