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PKI error: "failed to install x value" when executed the command from conf mode
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


PKI utility used to allow the values to install directly in the VyOS CLI and then commit to the running configuration. When tested in the latest rolling release, it suggests to install the cert/key portion manually but installs the passphrase

vyos@test1# run generate pki key-pair install rsa-keys
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa)
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048)
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] y
Enter passphrase: vyos
Do you want to install the public key? [Y/n] Y
Do you want to install the private key? [Y/n] Y
Failed to install 2 value(s). Commands to manually install:
set pki key-pair rsa-keys public key 'MIIBIjA......
1 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.
vyos@test1# comp
+ key-pair rsa-keys {
+     private {
+         password-protected
+     }
+ }


Is it a breaking change?
Behavior change
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

Tested in VyOS 1.5-rolling-202402280022 and it works now :

vyos@vyos# run generate pki key-pair install rsa_keys_RR
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa)
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048)
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the p.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] N
Do you want to install the public key? [Y/n] Y
Do you want to install the private key? [Y/n] Y
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to.
SrividyaA changed Is it a breaking change? from Unspecified (possibly destroys the router) to Behavior change.
SrividyaA changed Issue type from Unspecified (please specify) to Bug (incorrect behavior).