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QoS config on pppoe interface resets back to fq_codel after tunnel reboots
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG



I have configured a pppoe interface, CAKE QoS and I have attached cake qos to the pppoe interface. It works when I apply the config but the pppoe interface resets back to using fq_codel after the pppoe connection breaks and comes back online.

Steps to reproduce

Use the following config,

vyos@router# show qos
 interface pppoe0 {
     egress 95MB_LIMIT
 interface ifb0 {
     egress 95MB_LIMIT
 policy {
     cake 95MB_LIMIT {
         bandwidth 95mbit
         description "95mbps limit"
         flow-isolation {
         rtt 100

vyos@router# show interfaces pppoe
 pppoe pppoe0 {
     authentication {
     default-route-distance 1
     host-uniq C0FFEE00
     ip {
         adjust-mss clamp-mss-to-pmtu
     mru 1492
     source-interface eth0
     redirect ifb0
vyos@router# show interfaces input
 input ifb0 {
     description "Redirect if for pppoe0"
  1. Apply this config.
  2. qos on pppoe0 interface changes to cake.
  3. Run, disconnect interface pppoe0 and then connect interface pppoe0.
  4. qos on pppoe0 changes back to fq_codel.


It should use cake after reconnecting

What actually happens

It goes back to using fq_codel instead of using cake like it's supposed to.

Additional details

I have made a video to demonstrate this issue, It's not letting me attach it here so I had to upload it on youtube. Please see


Difficulty level
Normal (likely a few hours)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)