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IPSEC configuration error: connection to unix:///var/run/charon.ctl failed: No such file or directory
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


Hi all -

Back again. I am setting up a site-to-site VPN (In an older version of 1.3x I didn't see this error) when configuring the IPSEC VPN. It looks like it is related to setting the logging

charon error.png (284×734 px, 16 KB)

Configuration below that I am entering in:

vpn {
    ipsec {
        esp-group ESP-HOME {
            compression disable
            lifetime 3600
            mode tunnel
            pfs disable
            proposal 1 {
                encryption aes256
                hash sha1
            proposal 2 {
                encryption aes256
                hash sha1
        ike-group IKE-HOME {
            close-action restart
            ikev2-reauth no
            key-exchange ikev2
            lifetime 28800
            mobike disable
            proposal 1 {
                dh-group 21
                encryption aes256
                hash sha1
            proposal 2 {
                dh-group 2
                encryption aes256
                hash sha1
        ipsec-interfaces {
            interface eth0
        logging {
            log-level 1
            log-modes dmn
            log-modes mgr
            log-modes knl
            log-modes net
        site-to-site {
            peer <sanitized> {
                authentication {
                    id <sanitized>
                    mode pre-shared-secret
                    pre-shared-secret <sanitized>
                    remote-id <sanitized>
                connection-type respond
                default-esp-group ESP-HOME
                description "<sanitized>"
                ike-group IKE-HOME
                ikev2-reauth inherit
                local-address <sanitized>
                tunnel 1 {
                    allow-nat-networks disable
                    allow-public-networks disable
                    local {
                        prefix <sanitized>
                    remote {
                        prefix <sanitized>


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Unspecified (please specify)