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EFI boot shows error on display
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG

Assigned To
Authored By
Oct 1 2021, 4:31 PM
Referenced Files
F1939877: image.png
Oct 3 2021, 8:54 AM
F1937813: image.png
Oct 1 2021, 4:31 PM
F1937817: image.png
Oct 1 2021, 4:31 PM
F1937815: image.png
Oct 1 2021, 4:31 PM


On regula BIOS boot we see

image.png (474×633 px, 98 KB)

When switching to EFI we see

image.png (239×421 px, 6 KB)

and after a keypress

image.png (735×1 px, 27 KB)


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Cosmetic issue (typos etc.)

Event Timeline

c-po changed the task status from Open to In progress.Oct 3 2021, 8:54 AM
c-po claimed this task.
c-po triaged this task as Low priority.

new uefi style

image.png (760×1 px, 197 KB)

c-po edited a custom field.
c-po edited a custom field.
c-po changed Issue type from Bug (incorrect behavior) to Cosmetic issue (typos etc.).
c-po moved this task from Need Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.3 Equuleus (1.3.0-epa2) board.
c-po moved this task from Open to Finished on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta board.