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PKI: add "import" keyword when in "configure" mode
Not ApplicablePublicFEATURE REQUEST


Files needing a change:

  • /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/functions/interpreter/vyatta-cfg-run
  • /etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-cfg
Possible completions:
  confirm       Confirm prior commit-confirm
  comment       Add comment to this configuration element
  commit        Commit the current set of changes
                Commit the current set of changes with 'confirm' required
  compare       Compare configuration revisions
  copy          Copy a configuration element
  delete        Delete a configuration element
  discard       Discard uncommitted changes
  edit          Edit a sub-element
  exit          Exit from this configuration level
  load          Load configuration from a file and replace running configuration
  loadkey       Load user SSH key from a file
  merge         Load configuration from a file and merge running configuration
  rename        Rename a configuration element
  rollback      Rollback to a prior config revision (requires reboot)
  run           Run an operational-mode command
  save          Save configuration to a file
  set           Set the value of a parameter or create a new element
  show          Show the configuration (default values may be suppressed)

So this should be extended with an import statement for: import pki ca <name> which will read a PEM file and converts and stores it in the current CLI session so it can be commit afterwards


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible

Event Timeline

c-po moved this task from Open to Backlog on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta board.
Viacheslav triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Jan 20 2024, 2:48 AM
dmbaturin edited projects, added VyOS 1.4 Sagitta (1.4.0-GA); removed Restricted Project, VyOS 1.5 Circinus.
dmbaturin changed Is it a breaking change? from Unspecified (possibly destroys the router) to Perfectly compatible.
dmbaturin changed Issue type from Unspecified (please specify) to improvement.
dmbaturin subscribed.

The current CLI support the use case well.