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VLAN cannot be both `allowd-vlan` and `native-vlan`
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG


Due to the lack of validation logic, when the following illegal command is executed

set interfaces ethernet eth0
set interfaces bridge br0 enable-vlan
set interfaces bridge br0 member interface eth0 allow-vlan 1
set interfaces bridge br0 member interface eth0 native-vlan 1

图片.png (620×963 px, 11 KB)

This is not allowed, because a VLAN on the same port can only be specific to one of allowed-vlan or native-vlan.


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

Event Timeline

jack9603301 changed the task status from Open to In progress.
jack9603301 triaged this task as Normal priority.
jack9603301 moved this task from Open to In Progress on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta board.

Please make it so when both are present the native-vlan command is used.. do not throw an exception as this would make configuration much harder, as a eg. allow-vlan 1-4096, native-vlan 50 will be impossible to configure... Splitting up the allow-vlan and redoing it just to change native-vlan is work that the scripts should do in the backend and not have the user do it

jack9603301 renamed this task from VLAN can be `allow-vlan` and `native-vlan` at the same time to VLAN cannot be both `allow-vlan` and `native-vlan`.May 11 2021, 6:53 AM

@runar I just checked the current implementation. It seems that the current configuration is replacing "allowed VLAN" with "native VLAN", but there is no warning. I add a warning!

jack9603301 renamed this task from VLAN cannot be both `allow-vlan` and `native-vlan` to VLAN cannot be both `allowd-vlan` and `native-vlan`.May 11 2021, 3:06 PM
jack9603301 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Why should a warning be printed?

Silicon Switches from A or C flavor support the follwoing:

switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-1000
switchport trunk native vlan 200
switchport mode trunk

So I see no reason to not have this supported. IN my opinion we do not need a warning printed here.

I agree with @c-po, no warning is needed inbthis case

OK, it seems that this problem doesn't need any repair and will be closed

jack9603301 moved this task from In Progress to Finished on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta board.