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Setting ipv6 address autoconf causes all interfaces besides the target to lose their IP
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When configuring IPv6 I was setting autoconf on my wan interface eth2 and when comitting the changes all interfaces besides eth2 lost their ip assignments.

Manually setting the IPs afterwards with sudo ip addr add prevents this issue.

This is the exact commands that I ran.

# set interfaces ethernet eth2 ipv6 address autoconf
# commit

Then the interfaces all dropped their IPs except eth2.

This is my interface config

scj643@vyos# show interfaces ethernet
 ethernet eth0 {
     hw-id 00:90:xx:xx:xx:xx
     vif 69 {
         description "Management VLAN 69"
         firewall {
             out {
                 name MNG-OUT
     vif 96 {
         description IoT
 ethernet eth1 {
     hw-id 00:90:xx:xx:xx:xx
 ethernet eth2 {
     address dhcp
     description WAN
     firewall {
         in {
             name OUTSIDE-IN
         local {
             name OUTSIDE-LOCAL
     hw-id 8c:ec:xx:xx:xx:xx


VyOS 1.4-rolling-202102280559
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

Event Timeline

This also happens if you delete ipv6 address autoconf and commit. Where it will drop all IP addresses besides the target interface's.


# delete  interfaces ethernet eth2 ipv6 address autoconf
# commit

This seems to also happen with setting dhcpv6 as well.

# set interfaces ethernet eth2 address dhcpv6
# set interfaces ethernet eth2 dhcpv6-options pd 1 interface eth0
# set interfaces ethernet eth2 dhcpv6-options pd 1 length 32

Did they also loose their IPv4 assignment?

When this happens - can you also provide us the output of ip -d link show?

I cannot reproduce this on VyOS 1.4-rolling-202104062128. Instead, on that version, ipv6 address autoconf commits, but the interface never picks up a v6 address.

This issue seems to have gone away or I haven't noticed it recently.

ipv6 address autoconf works here. It does pick up a v6 address from the RA - I had an error in the config on the router issuing the RA announcements, and thought that autoconf was not working, but it does. Perhaps this issue should be closed?