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Implement tcpdump
Closed, ResolvedPublicENHANCEMENT



It'd be very very useful if you can implement tcpdump in VyOS. We'd be very happy if you can do it.

Thanks in advanced



Event Timeline

seguridad_tic triaged this task as Normal priority.

tcpdump is available in VyOS for long time.

You can use tcpdump directly ('sudo' to change to linux bash):

sudo tcpdump

Or use VyOS command (example with a basic filter):

monitor traffic interface eth0 filter "host"
seguridad_tic changed the task status from Open to Needs testing.Dec 17 2018, 7:26 AM

Thanks a lot for your response. I just tested and yes, there it is :)

The 'command traffic' command seems not to exist:

vyos@vyos:~$ monitor traffic interface eth3 filter "host"

Invalid command: monitor [traffic]

Thanks again!

On which version of VyOS you are? In older versions the syntax was different:

monitor interfaces ethernet eth0 traffic
seguridad_tic claimed this task.

We got 1.1.7. Yes, the command you said is OK.

Thanks a lot.